Bio-Intensive Gardening


This old fashioned way of gardening maximizes crop yields and plant quality utilizing a small amount of land. Bio-intensive, like it sounds, partially refers to intensive crop spacing. The soil will be “double dug” to a depth of two feet by digging one foot deep and then loosening the soil, with a pitch fork, to two foot. The top foot of soil is progressively replaced as the garden is dug being careful never to walk on the previously loosened areas. A four foot wide bed allows for easy access from two sides without compressing soils. The majority of our beds will be four feet wide and be of varying lengths depending on overall garden configuration. This deep loose well drained soil will be scientifically prepared and be nutrient loaded. We will enrich the soil with compost that we create from plants from previous growing seasons. Our intention is to have animals we graze or chickens we house to obtain other ingredients for our own compost. In part we will use pre-mixed compost from other reliable sources such as Geo-Growers or the Natural Gardner. The idea is to return the soil to its natural state containing all necessary minerals and nutrients. Years of farming have made soils of this kind scarce. We intend to change that. This gardening approach is supportive of a healthy diet and creates a cultivated ornamental space consisting of vegetables, herbs, and flowers which collectively form a beautiful and dramatic environment for other activities. The garden will feature healthy produce grown without the use of pesticides or commercial fertilizers. The gardens will be designed in interesting geometries all connected with pathways. In addition to returning the soils to nutrient rich state we will also use rain water to water the gardens obtained from multiple storm water harvesting tanks. A 22,000 gallon storm water harvesting tank will catch rain water from the Health & Wellness Building and the Barn. Currently the first phases of the garden are watered from a 10,000 gallon tank fed from our office building. We will add another 14,000 gallons to this tank. A drip irrigation system will further help conserve water.

The new buildings will be partially serviced by power from a solar power system. This sustainable feature is consistent with a program that a Health and Wellness Farm demands. The fruits and vegetables we produce will be sold at a stand located along Highway 71, sold directly to restaurant owners, part of a u-pick harvest event or shipped to regular customers. In larger separate beds we will grow cover crops like alfalfa, barley and hops for sale to small local breweries and also used in our compost. From our healthy growing approach will offer healthy food choices. From these plants we will make certain foods for sale. I have already mentioned animals and we will integrate certain farm animals into to the overall farm image. Chickens offer insect control, fertilizer, and a farm atmosphere. Cattle and horses are the personification of a Texas farming and ranching operation and will lend an overall rural feeling. Many small micro-farms have niches they specialize in and we expect that our niches will continue to develop from demand when our facility begins its operation. Bio-intensive gardening is the center piece of The Health & Wellness Farm.